Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Children's Passover Books

New Children’s Books for Passover in the Meyers Library

The Yankee at the Seder, by Elka Weber
* starred review

As a Confederate family prepares for Passover the day after the Civil War has ended, a Yankee arrives on their Virginia doorstep and is invited to share their meal, to the dismay of ten-year-old Jacob. Includes historical notes about Corporal Myer Levy, on whom the story is based, and his prominent Philadelphia family.

Nachson, Who Was Afraid to Swim: a Passover Story, by Deborah Bodin Cohen

When the Israelites flee Egypt, Nachshon exhibits great courage by being the first to step into the Red Sea, even though he cannot swim.

Let My People Go, by Tilda Balsley

A retelling of the story of Moses and the ten plagues sent by God to convince the Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt, in a book with color-coded text that may be used as a script for Readers Theater.